Monday 5 May 2014

Invention Procedures


Rock as a popular subculture is
- movement misunderstood by majority of people
- lifestyle inspired by rock music
- way of showing rebellion and independence
- way to draw attention to yourself

- Rock as a popular subculture is a way to draw attention to yourself because teenagers start to listen loud music and dress alternatively in order to show their sadness and discontent
- Rock as a popular subculture is a way of showing rebellion and independence because people who are tired of uniformity and same tastes, widen their creativity to their clothes, make up, hair and/or music
- Rock as a popular subculture is a lifestyle inspired by rock music because people who enjoy rock music and found themselves in lyrics of rock songs act like a hero in the song or a rock star
- Rock as a popular subculture is a movement misunderstood by majority of people because they believe that if one listens to rock music one must be atheist/satanist, reject and/or a junkie


- When they feel insecure and abandoned by their parents and the rest of the world, teenagers want to do anything to draw attention to themselves by adopting the worst from the subculture, like skipping school, getting drunk, running from home, doing drugs and/or even cutting themselves
- People who don't want to look the same as everyone else and feel that creativity is trapped inside them try to compensate that by dying their hair unnatural colors, wearing vintage, ragged, colorful or anti-fashion clothes with personal accessories, etc. and in that way want to show how unique they are, or that they have an opinion, an attitude, a mind of their own.
- People follow the dress code and/or behavior of their favorite rock stars because they want to be like their idol, and/or just live the life of rock'n'roll.
- People are often frightened by someone who is different in any way and want to keep the distance from those individuals, and/or call them names, forbid their children to be friends with them, attack them, ignore them, because they feel that everyone different is necessarily bad person/influence and weird.


- Having an attitude: people who want to express their individuality know that what is inside is what counts and that not only clothes is what matters, they try to say something with their appearance but they would say much more to someone that listens while people who just wants to be rockers because it's cool are still uniformed in their own subculture.
- Being different: people who are afraid to accept people as they are can't accept themselves or only have respect for themselves and no one else while people who are not afraid to show their true face feel more accomplished in life.
- Prejudice: people who do not want to be judged by their looks and taste in music do not judge other people, while people who do judge others easily, have prejudice about individuals because of the prejudice towards the whole subculture, not bothering to know them.


Rock as a popular subculture is a movement misunderstood by majority of people because they believe that if one listens to rock music one must be atheist/satanist, reject and/or a junkie because they know or heard about someone who was part of this subculture and was all that.


People are becoming distant from each other because they are not willing to accept anyone who is different from themselves, which could lead to a complete alienation of an individual thus making room for more dissatisfaction in our country.

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