Monday 5 May 2014

To Beer or not to Beer

     We all had our moments of relaxing with friends and family with a pint of cold beer. Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably oldest of alcoholic beverages. It is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. Beer usually has 4% to 6% of alcohol in it, but it can have less than that or more in rare cases, or no alcohol whatsoever. Beer forms part of the culture of beer-drinking nations and is associated with social traditions such as beer festivals, as well as a rich pub culture. These days, there are a lot of different beer companies, and we choose the right one by its taste and of course commercials. I have to admit that I don't really see the difference in tastes of beer of that many companies out there, since the main ingredients are always the same: water, hops, barley and yeast. I mainly choose which beer to drink by ads and commercials I see. For example, I don't drink Jelen beer because the commercial clearly says Men know why, and I'm not a man so... bye bye Jelen beer.

     While searching the Internet, I encountered many beer ads, some of which I liked and some I didn't. Brazilian beer company, Nova Schin, introduced a non-alcoholic beer, and their management actually approved of an ad campaign featuring pregnant women, dressed in bikinis and daisy dukes. I hope that all these ads are photoshopped pregnancies because you'd have to seriously have no shame whatsoever to pose for this if you were really pregnant, not to mention going about casting for pregnant hotties for a beer ad without looking like complete... well, you know. And I just can't imagine a lady who can't restrain herself from beer for nine months and like it so much that she has to drink at least non alcoholic beer while she's pregnant. In my opinion this ad is an example of bad taste and even if I happen to have an opportunity to try this Nova Schin beer, I wouldn't want to. 

     The next ad I found, and this one I liked, is an ad for Heineken beer. With this ad they are trying to address all the gamers and suggest that with gaming Heineken goes the best. I think this is really funny and interesting ad, especially because people tend to gather and play games together. If there is beer in regular parties, why wouldn't there be beer in gaming parties? The way bottles are taped to the controller and their message Add few new features to your controller are really clever, and I think that everyone who plays games knows how annoying is to pause and put away the controller in order to get some refreshments. This is a great solution! Haha!

     This Tuborg ad is my favorite! I mean, they used The Lord of the Rings theme, what else is there to say?! I find their adjustment of the book/movie title to The Lord of the Drinks really witty, and the Two Towers and Sauron's Eye made of Tuborg bottles absolutely brilliant! I wouldn't mind to have this as a poster on my wall, with Tuborg in my hand of course. It's not hard to conclude that I'm The Lord of the Rings fan, although I hate the fact that most people who are Ring fans think that you have to hate Harry Potter if you are true fan of The Lord of the Rings. Well, I like both, so what? And I think that the two can't be compared at all in the first place. Anyway, I hope that I will see some of the Harry Potter beer ads soon, or if not, at least Gollum who is holding beer bottle saying My precios. I think someone should hire me for this idea. :)

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